Re: [klibc] klibc and what's the next step?

From: Al Viro
Date: Sat Jul 01 2006 - 17:56:58 EST

On Sat, Jul 01, 2006 at 01:08:17PM -0700, Linus Torvalds wrote:
> On Sat, 1 Jul 2006, Theodore Tso wrote:
> >
> > This is going to be a problem given that people are hell-bent at
> > chucking functionality out of the kernel into userspace.
> Btw, I'm not necessarily one of those people.
> There _are_ some things that can be better done in user space, but on the
> other hand, other things really are better off in the kernel.
> The argument that user space is more debuggable has been shown to be
> largely a red herring. User space is only more debuggable if it does
> something independent, and we've seen that user space is _harder_ to debug
> than kernel space if we have events going back and forth.

True. However, that depends on the interfaces being used. Sure, when
a twit "moves things to userland" by marshalling stuff through sysfs,
the only thing it achieves is more sysfs crap *and* more internal kernel
APIs being cast in stone.

However, when the code really is a series of normal syscalls (on the level
of "all we call is sys_something()"), it makes a lot of sense to take the
damn thing to userland and leave it there...
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