alternatives to getrusage() ?

From: Sven Köhler
Date: Wed Sep 06 2006 - 17:54:26 EST


first, if this is the wrong place to ask, then i'm sorry and please
recomm a better place to me.

My goal is to do some precise benchmarking/profiling.

I am looking for (Linux specific) alternatives to getrusage().
As far as i understand, the precision of getrusage() is given by the
timer frequency that can be adjusted in recent kernel-versions. I think
i have the choice between 100Hz, 250Hz and 1000Hz. By chosing 1000Hz, i
get a precision of 1ms, right?

On the other hand, there are things like rdtsc() which reads the clock
counter of the CPU. So does the linux kernel currently provide a
process-specific value which counts the CPU clocks "consumed" by a
process? Maybe there are some patches?

Are there other alternatives that i didn't think about yet?

Are there maybe some kernel-unrelated alternatives?



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