Re: [PATCH 0/11] LTTng-core (basic tracing infrastructure) 0.5.108

From: Frank Ch. Eigler
Date: Thu Sep 14 2006 - 15:49:20 EST

"Martin J. Bligh" <mbligh@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> [...] What would be really nice is one trace infrastructure, that
> allowed both static and dynamic tracepoints

We in systemtap land hope to encounter *some* static tracepoint
structure, perhaps like the one I presented at OLS, via which
systemtap could become your unified static+dynamic "infrastructure".
Even in that universe, using LTT-derived code for high-performance
tracing is within the realm of reason.

> without all the awk-style language crap that seems to come with
> systemtap.

I'm sorry to hear you dislike the scripting language. But that's
okay, you Real Men can embed literal C code inside systemtap scripts
to do the Real Work, and leave to systemtap only sundry duties such as
probe placement and removal.

- FChE
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