Re: [PATCH 2.6.19-rc1 update 2] drivers: add LCD support

From: Paulo Marques
Date: Thu Oct 12 2006 - 10:12:03 EST

Miguel Ojeda Sandonis wrote:
Andrew, here it is the patch for converting the cfag12864b driver
to a framebuffer driver as Pavel requested and as I promised :)

Very nice :)

Just a few comments, see below.

Pavel, yep, now I can login in my tiny 128x64 LCD.
It is pretty amazing to run vi on it... ;)

Tested and working fine.
+static void cfag12864b_update(void *arg)
+ for (i = 0; i < CFAG12864B_CONTROLLERS; i++) {
+ cfag12864b_controller(i);
+ cfag12864b_nop();
+ for (j = 0; j < CFAG12864B_PAGES; j++) {
+ cfag12864b_page(j);
+ cfag12864b_nop();
+ for (k = 0; k < CFAG12864B_ADDRESSES; k++) {
+ cfag12864b_address(k);
+ cfag12864b_nop();
+ cfag12864b_nop();

Doesn't the LCD controller automatically advance the address when writing data?

If it does, the address should only be needed before this loop and you could write 64 bytes in a row without any "nop"'s. This should really improve the time it takes to refresh the display.

Also, keeping a "low level cache" of the physical display state and only sending bytes that have actually changed might be a good improvement too.

Remember, the host CPU is probably much much faster than your interface to the LCD, so if it takes a few cycles to check the cache and decide not to send a byte, it's already a big win. A simple memcmp might be used skip full pages.

Also, what do these "nop"'s do? Isn't there a way to read the "busy" status from the controller and just write as fast as possible?

+ The LCD framebuffer driver can be attached to a console.
+ It will work fine. However, you can't attach it to the fbdev driver
+ of the xorg server.

This is probably because your driver can't be mmapped, no?

Although the controller is only accessible through the parallel port, it might be possible to mmap it. I vaguely remember that when I was reading LDD3, I thought that this should be doable in a sequence like:

- accept the mmap as if you had the memory for the device available
- at "nopage" time, mark the buffer as "dirty" and map it to user space
- using a timer at the actual refresh rate, check the dirty flag. If it is dirty, unmap the buffer and refresh the display

I'm not describing the locking details (and a lot of other details, too), but it should work in principle.

It will probably make things easier if your buffer size is PAGE_SIZE, and your "internal" operations (fillrect, copyarea, imageblit) also work over the same buffer and just mark the buffer as dirty.

I don't know if X will be able to run in 128x64, but it is easier to make applications mmap the buffer and use it directly.

Paulo Marques -

"The face of a child can say it all, especially the
mouth part of the face."
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