Re: qstor driver -> irq 193: nobody cared

From: Sergey Vlasov
Date: Fri Nov 03 2006 - 14:01:05 EST

On Fri, 03 Nov 2006 12:02:53 -0600 Alberto Alonso wrote:

> I have a Pacific Digital qstor card on irq 193. I am using kernel
> The error happens every now and then. I have not been able to
> figure out any triggers and I can not reproduce it on demand. Today
> it happened 3 times within a 40 minutes period.
> All disks connected to the card are disabled and I can't do anything
> other than a reboot to get them back.
> It is reported as follows:
> irq 193: nobody cared (try booting with the "irqpoll" option)

Did you try this option? It may decrease performance, but in some cases
IRQ routing is so screwed that only irqpoll helps.

> handlers:
> [<c0301300>] (qs_intr+0x0/0x220)
> Disabling IRQ #193
> If there is any other info that I should provide to help
> troubleshoot please let me know.

The "nobody cared" error is often caused by some other device which
shares the same interrupt, but Linux does not know about it (either due
to broken IRQ routing tables in BIOS, or because the driver for that
device is not loaded, but the device really is active and asserts its
IRQ line - sometimes this also happens due to a broken BIOS).

Please post complete /proc/interrupts and lspci -v output, and also
information about the motherboard model and BIOS version.

If your motherboard has a VIA chipset, you may also try the patch from which attempts to fix IRQ routing on
these chipsets.

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