Re: HD head unloads

From: Mark Lord
Date: Tue Nov 14 2006 - 13:07:31 EST

Jan Engelhardt wrote:

Let me jump in here. Short info: Toshiba MK2003GAH 1.8" 20GB PATA harddisk, in a Sony Vaio U3 (x86, gray-blue PhoenixBIOS).
If idle for more than 5 secs, unloads. Even when not inside any OS, which really sets me off.
So I wrote a quick workaround hack for Linux,
It reads a predefined amount of bytes (just as much to not cause slowdown yet still cause it to not unload) from the disk at fixed intervals.

Thanks for the info.
Jan, in your specific case, can you not "fix it" properly with:

hdparm -B255 /dev/?d?

(fill in your drive device there).

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