Re: locking sectors of raw disk (raw read-write test of mounted disk)

From: Phillip Susi
Date: Thu Nov 16 2006 - 10:27:37 EST

Yakov Lerner wrote:
I don't want to tamper wuith data. I want to raw write back exacty
same raw data that I read in. I only want to make sure that kernel
doesn't write modified data between in between my read-write pair.

Ahh, in that case you might be able to do this using the device mapper. You could keep the filesystem mounted on the device mapper with a mapping to the underlying disk device. Then change that mapping on the fly to mark a section of the device as mapped to a ramdisk and copy ( while that section is suspended ) the original data there. Then resume the section, tamper with the underlying disk, then suspend the ramdisk mapping, copy it back to the underlying disk, then change the mapping back to normal. You might also use a snapshot dm target instead of a ramdisk.

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