Processes with hidden PID files in /proc

From: Daniel Forrest
Date: Wed Dec 13 2006 - 19:28:54 EST

Hopefully someone can give me a quick answer...

Yesterday I discovered some processes that had a PPID which was not
shown as a running process by "ps". Also an "ls /proc" did not show
that PPID.

I've Googled on this enough to find out that these are Linux threads,
that "ps -m" will show them, that "ls -a /proc" will show /proc/.PPID,
etc, but I'm still wondering what exact sequence of system calls will
create a process like this?

I'm trying to file a bug report for another piece of software and I
would like to make a simple test program that shows this situation.


Daniel K. Forrest Laboratory for Molecular and
forrest@xxxxxxxxxxxxx Computational Genomics
(608) 262 - 9479 University of Wisconsin, Madison
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