my handy-dandy, "coding style" script

From: Robert P. J. Day
Date: Tue Dec 19 2006 - 10:50:58 EST

just for fun, i threw the following together to peruse the tree (or
any subdirectory) and look for stuff that violates the CodingStyle
guide. clearly, it's far from complete and very ad hoc, but it's
amusing. extra searches happily accepted.




echo -e "\n===== Deprecated 'depends' in Kconfig files ...\n"
grep depends $(find . -name Kconfig) | grep -v "depends on"

echo -e "\n===== Potentially unnecessary casting of k[cmz]alloc() calls ...\n"
grep -Er "\([^\)]+\) ?k[cmz]alloc ?\(" *

echo -e "\n===== Discouraged kcalloc(1,...) calls ...\n"
grep -Er "kcalloc ?\(1," *

echo -e "\n===== Where ARRAY_SIZE() should be used ...\n"
grep -Er "sizeof\((.*)\) ?/ ?sizeof\(\1\[0\]\)" *

echo -e "\n===== Where FIELD_SIZEOF() should be used ...\n"
grep -Er "sizeof ?\( ?\( ?\([^\*]*[^ ] ?\*\) ?0 ?\)->[^\)]+\)" *

echo -e "\n===== People who seem to be redefining MAX() or MIN() ...\n"
grep -Er "# +define +MAX ?\(" *
grep -Er "# +define +MIN ?\(" *

echo -e "\nDone."
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