Re: [PATCH] xt_request_find_match

From: Patrick McHardy
Date: Wed Dec 20 2006 - 04:17:30 EST

Jan Engelhardt wrote:
>>Make sure the user specifies the match on the command line before
>>your match. Look at the TCPMSS or REJECT targets for examples for
> That would mean I'd have to
> -p tcp -m multiport --dport 1,2,3,4 -m time --time sundays -m
> lotsofothers -j TARGET
> -p udp -m multiport --dport 1,2,3,4 -m time --time sundays -m
> lotsofothers -j TARGET

I don't see any match that would depend on an other match in
your example. How about your start explaining what you would
like to do, ideally with some code.

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