Re: [PATCH] scsi_execute_async() should add to the tail of the queue

From: Steven Hayter
Date: Wed Dec 20 2006 - 16:54:57 EST

Dan Aloni wrote:

scsi_execute_async() has replaced scsi_do_req() a few versions ago, but it also incurred a change of behavior. I noticed that over-queuing a SCSI device using that function causes I/Os to be starved from low-level queuing for no justified reason.
I think it makes much more sense to perserve the original behaviour of scsi_do_req() and add the request to the tail of the queue.

As far as I'm aware the way in which scsi_do_req() was to insert at the head of the queue, leading to projects like SCST to come up with scsi_do_req_fifo() as queuing multiple commands using scsi_do_req() with constant head insertion might lead to out of order execution.

Just thought I'd throw some light on the history and what others have done in the past.

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