WARNING: Absolute relocations present

From: Thomas Meyer
Date: Fri Dec 22 2006 - 09:35:25 EST

More warnings on current git head:

OBJCOPY arch/i386/boot/compressed/vmlinux.bin
RELOCS arch/i386/boot/compressed/vmlinux.relocs
WARNING: Absolute relocations present
Offset Info Type Sym.Value Sym.Name
c0107bd7 00636601 R_386_32 c034f000 __smp_alt_instructions
c0107bff 00622301 R_386_32 c034f000 __smp_alt_instructions_end
c0107c68 00622301 R_386_32 c034f000 __smp_alt_instructions_end
c0107c6d 00636601 R_386_32 c034f000 __smp_alt_instructions
c01365aa 004aba01 R_386_32 c030ef3c __stop___ksymtab_gpl_future
c01365af 0053a101 R_386_32 c030ef3c __start___ksymtab_gpl_future
c01365e6 0053a101 R_386_32 c030ef3c __start___ksymtab_gpl_future
c01365ed 004aad01 R_386_32 c0311d38 __start___kcrctab_gpl_future
c01365f4 00486d01 R_386_32 c030ef3c __stop___ksymtab_unused
c01365f9 004b6601 R_386_32 c030ef3c __start___ksymtab_unused
c0136614 004b6601 R_386_32 c030ef3c __start___ksymtab_unused
c013661b 004c4d01 R_386_32 c0311d38 __start___kcrctab_unused
and so on...

Should i ignore these warnings, too?

I have to ignore a lot of warnings on the current linux tree...

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