Re: Possible race condition in usb-serial.c

From: J
Date: Fri Dec 22 2006 - 14:08:30 EST

> This problem will need some deeper surgery probably
> involving
> removal of the refcounting.

Refcounting may be OK if used consistently.
It is not OK when some pointers are ref-counted,
but other (in serial_table) are not (like it is
in the current version).

As for the deeper surgery, what do you think about my
earlier suggestion to start by rewriting
to fully initialize usb_serial before it is added to

So, instead of the current:
1. create_serial
2. mutex_lock(&table_lock);
3. get_free_serial (which inserts serial to
4. initializes serial
5. mutex_unlock(&table_lock);

we will get:

1. create_serial
2. initializes serial

3. add_serial_toserial_table (with internal mutex
lock if needed)

Similar approach should be used in other places to
minimize the code executed under the mutex.


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