checker-shell still hosed...

From: David Miller
Date: Thu Feb 08 2007 - 06:06:55 EST

Linus, things still fail for me even with the $(strip ...) construct
you added works properly.

For some reason things like $(call cc-option-yn...) still fail.

My make version 3.81beta4 has the space problem, and with your
change it just returns a space. :-) Without your change it
gives the problematic " y" string.

A running theory of mine is that it's a "$(call)" within a
$(call) which generates the space. So I wrote a little

define test1
$(shell echo "str1")

define test2
$(call test1)

FOO := A$(call test2)B

echo A$(FOO)B

If I run "make -f make.test" I get:

davem@sunset:~/src/GIT/net-2.6$ make -f make.test
echo AA str1BB
AA str1BB

Hmmm... but I just checked on a proper "GNU Make 3.81" and that
prints the space in the example above too.


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