Re: CPU load

From: malc
Date: Mon Feb 12 2007 - 13:05:41 EST

On Mon, 12 Feb 2007, Con Kolivas wrote:

On 12/02/07, Vassili Karpov <av1474@xxxxxxxx> wrote:


The kernel looks at what is using cpu _only_ during the timer
interrupt. Which means if your HZ is 1000 it looks at what is running
at precisely the moment those 1000 timer ticks occur. It is
theoretically possible using this measurement system to use >99% cpu
and record 0 usage if you time your cpu usage properly. It gets even
more inaccurate at lower HZ values for the same reason.

And indeed it appears to be possible to do just that. Example:

/* gcc -o hog smallhog.c */
#include <time.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <sys/time.h>

#define HIST 10

static sig_atomic_t stop;

static void sighandler (int signr)
(void) signr;
stop = 1;

static unsigned long hog (unsigned long niters)
stop = 0;
while (!stop && --niters);
return niters;

int main (void)
int i;
struct itimerval it = { .it_interval = { .tv_sec = 0, .tv_usec = 1 },
.it_value = { .tv_sec = 0, .tv_usec = 1 } };
sigset_t set;
unsigned long v[HIST];
double tmp = 0.0;
unsigned long n;

signal (SIGALRM, &sighandler);
setitimer (ITIMER_REAL, &it, NULL);

for (i = 0; i < HIST; ++i) v[i] = ULONG_MAX - hog (ULONG_MAX);
for (i = 0; i < HIST; ++i) tmp += v[i];
tmp /= HIST;
n = tmp - (tmp / 3.0);

sigemptyset (&set);
sigaddset (&set, SIGALRM);

for (;;) {
hog (n);
sigwait (&set, &i);
return 0;
/* end smallhog.c */

Might need some adjustment for a particular system but ran just fine here
2.4.30 + Athlon tbird (1Ghz) + Athlon X2 3800+ (2Ghz)

Showing next to zero load in top(1) and a whole lot more in APC.

Not quite 99% but nevertheless scary.

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