Re: [patch 00/13] Syslets, "Threadlets", generic AIO support, v3

From: Pavel Machek
Date: Tue Mar 06 2007 - 03:20:39 EST

> >As for why common abstractions like file are a good thing, think about why
> >having "/dev/null" is cleaner that having a special plug DEVNULL_FD fd
> >value to be plugged everywhere,
> This is a stupid comparaison. By your logic we should also have /dev/stdin,
> /dev/stdout and /dev/stderr.

Bzzt, wrong. We have them.

pavel@amd:~$ ls -al /dev/std*
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 Nov 12 2003 /dev/stderr -> fd/2
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 Nov 12 2003 /dev/stdin -> fd/0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 Nov 12 2003 /dev/stdout -> fd/1
pavel@amd:~$ ls -al /proc/self/fd
total 0
dr-x------ 2 pavel users 0 Mar 6 09:18 .
dr-xr-xr-x 4 pavel users 0 Mar 6 09:18 ..
lrwx------ 1 pavel users 64 Mar 6 09:18 0 -> /dev/ttyp2
lrwx------ 1 pavel users 64 Mar 6 09:18 1 -> /dev/ttyp2
lrwx------ 1 pavel users 64 Mar 6 09:18 2 -> /dev/ttyp2
lr-x------ 1 pavel users 64 Mar 6 09:18 3 -> /proc/2299/fd

> >But here the list could be almost endless.
> >And please don't start the, they don't scale or they need heavy file
> >binding tossfeast. They scale as well as the interface that will receive
> >them (poll, select, epoll). Heavy file binding what? 100 or so bytes for
> >the struct file? How many signal/timer fd are you gonna have? Like 100K?
> >Really moot argument when opposed to the benefit of being compatible with
> >existing POSIX interfaces and being more Unix friendly.
> So why the HELL don't we have those yet? Why haven't you designed
> epoll with those in mind? Why don't you back your claims with patches?
> (I'm not a kernel developer.)

Either stop flaming kernel developers or become one. It is that


(cesky, pictures)
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