Re: Renice X for cpu schedulers

From: Lee Revell
Date: Thu Apr 19 2007 - 10:23:00 EST

On 4/19/07, Peter Williams <pwil3058@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
PS I think that the tasks most likely to be adversely effected by X's
CPU storms (enough to annoy the user) are audio streamers so when you're
doing tests to determine the best nice value for X I suggest that would
be a good criterion. Video streamers are also susceptible but glitches
in video don't seem to annoy users as much as audio ones.

IMHO audio streamers should use SCHED_FIFO thread for time critical
work. I think it's insane to expect the scheduler to figure out that
these processes need low latency when they can just be explicit about
it. "Professional" audio software does it already, on Linux as well
as other OS...

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