Failure! Re: [PATCH 0/4] 2.6.21-rc7 NFS writes: fix a series of issues

From: Florin Iucha
Date: Thu Apr 19 2007 - 15:59:24 EST

On Thu, Apr 19, 2007 at 12:09:42PM -0400, Trond Myklebust wrote:
> See
> I'm giving the first 5 patches of that series (i.e.
> linux-2.6.21-001-cleanup_unstable_write.dif to
> linux-2.6.21-005-fix_nfsv4_resend.dif) an extra beating since those are
> the ones that I feel should go into 2.6.21 final in order to fix the
> read/write regressions that have been reported. They should be identical
> to the patches that I posted on lkml in the past 3 days.
> Please feel free to grab them and give them a test.

The copy completed some time ago, but now I cannot ssh into the box!
This is a new development, as before I was always able to ssh into,
even when the copy slowed down to a trickle.

I'm far from the machine right now, so I will do some more tests
tonight, but right now, the new patchset is not good. What is the
difference between reverting the patch you sent yesterday and your
current fifth patch? I assume the other four are identical, right?


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