Killing a User thread from another User Thread

From: Bhuvan Kumar MITTAL
Date: Tue May 01 2007 - 00:58:55 EST

I am working on an audio device driver development on Linux (sh4 architecture). I have a userthread which makes ioctl calls to the kernel and once it reaches inside the kernel it waits on a semaphore. It then does some work inside the kernel and continuously keeps looping between the kernel and user space in an endless while loop.

I want to kill that thread from another user thread while the former is waiting on a semaphore in kernel (which it will never get) coz I want a clean exit of my driver. Please suggest me a way. I did try the use of pthread_cancel, but that is possible only if the target thread is executing in user space and making use of a pthread_testcancel call (with cancelability enabled ofcourse).

Kindly suggest something.



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