Definition of fairness (was Re: [patch] CFS scheduler, -v11)

From: Srivatsa Vaddagiri
Date: Wed May 09 2007 - 13:54:35 EST

On Tue, May 08, 2007 at 05:04:31PM +0200, Ingo Molnar wrote:
> thanks Mike - value 0x8 looks pretty good here and doesnt have the
> artifacts you found. I've done a quick -v11 release with that fixed,
> available at the usual place:
> with no other changes.

I had a question with respect to the definition of fairness used, esp
for tasks that are not 100% cpu hogs.

Ex: consider two equally important tasks T1 and T2 running on same CPU and
whose execution nature is:

T1 = 100% cpu hog
T2 = 60% cpu hog (run for 600ms, sleep for 400ms)

Over a arbitrary observation period of 10 sec,

T1 was ready to run for all 10sec
T2 was ready to run for 6 sec

Over this observation period, how much execution time should T2 get,
under a "fair" scheduler?

I was expecting both T2 and T1 to get 5 sec (50:50 split). Is this a
wrong expectation of fairness?

Anyway, results of this experiment (using testcase attached) is below.
T2 gets way below its fair share IMO (under both cfs and sd).

5444 vatsa 16 0 2468 460 388 R 59 0.0 0:19.76 3 T1
5443 vatsa 25 0 2468 460 388 R 40 0.0 0:15.36 3 T2 + cfs-v11:

5460 vatsa 31 0 2464 460 388 R 70 0.0 0:15.28 3 T1
5461 vatsa 29 0 2468 460 388 R 30 0.0 0:05.65 3 T2

2.6.21 + sd-0.48:

5459 vatsa 23 0 2468 460 388 R 70 0.0 0:17.02 3 T1
5460 vatsa 21 0 2464 460 388 R 30 0.0 0:06.21 3 T2


T1 is started as ./cpuhog 600 0 10 > /dev/null &
T2 is started as ./cpuhog 600 400 10 > /dev/null &

First arg = runtime in ms
Second arg = sleeptime in ms
Third arg = Observation period in seconds


#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>

double loops_per_ms;

double elapsed_time(struct timeval *tv1, struct timeval *tv2)
double d1, d2;
int elapsed_ms;

d1 = tv1->tv_sec + tv1->tv_usec * 1e-6;
d2 = tv2->tv_sec + tv2->tv_usec * 1e-6;
elapsed_ms = (d2 - d1) * 1000;

return elapsed_ms;

void calibrate_delay(void)
int i;
double elapsed_ms;
struct timeval tv1, tv2;

gettimeofday(&tv1, NULL);
#define LOOP_COUNT 100000000
for (i=0; i < LOOP_COUNT; ++i)
gettimeofday(&tv2, NULL);
elapsed_ms = elapsed_time(&tv1, &tv2);
loops_per_ms = LOOP_COUNT / elapsed_ms;

printf ("loops_per_ms = %f \n", loops_per_ms);

int run_length = 52; // in milliseconds
int sleep_length = 24; // in milliseconds
int epoch_time = 5; // in seconds

main(int argc, char *argv[])
long int i, delay;
time_t prevtime;
double prevusage = 0;
struct rusage stats;

if (argc > 1) {
run_length = atoi(argv[1]);
if (argc > 2)
sleep_length = atoi(argv[2]);
if (argc > 3)
epoch_time = atoi(argv[3]);


delay = run_length * loops_per_ms;

printf ("run time = %d ms (%ld loops), sleep time = %d ms,"
" epoch time = %d s\n", run_length, delay, sleep_length,

prevtime = time(NULL);
while (1) {
time_t curtime, deltatime;
struct rusage stats;

for (i = 0; i < delay; ++i)
usleep(sleep_length * 1000);

curtime = time(NULL);
deltatime = curtime - prevtime;
if (deltatime >= epoch_time) {
double curusage, deltausage;

getrusage(0, &stats);
curusage = stats.ru_utime.tv_sec +
stats.ru_utime.tv_usec * 1e-6 +
stats.ru_stime.tv_sec +
stats.ru_stime.tv_usec * 1e-6;

deltausage = curusage - prevusage;
printf ("Obtained %3.2f seconds of execution time in"
" %d elapsed seconds \n", deltausage, deltatime);
prevtime = curtime;
prevusage = curusage;