Re: [PATCH] lockdep: lock contention tracking

From: Ingo Molnar
Date: Mon May 21 2007 - 05:37:02 EST

* Bill Huey <billh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> I write lockstat without the knowledge that lockdep was replicating
> the same work and I audited 1600 something lock points in the kernel
> to convert the usage of C99 style initializers to something more
> regular.

you got the history wrong i think: the first version of lockdep was
released to lkml a year ago (May 2006), while the first time you
mentioned your lock contention patch was November 2006 and you released
it to lkml in December 2006 - so it was _you_ who was "replicating the
same work", not lockdep :-) And this was pointed out to you very early
on, many months ago.

and regarding C99 style lock initializers: the -rt project has been
removing a whole heap of them in the past 2.5 years, since Oct 2004 or
so, and regularly cleansed the upstream kernel for old-style
initializers ever since then - so i'm not sure what you are referring

> I also did this without consideration of things like debuginfo since I
> don't use those things.

btw., you dont even need CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO to get usable symbol names,
CONFIG_KALLSYMS alone will do it too. (It's only if you really cannot
tell from the lock symbol name and the function name what the entry is
about - which is very rare - that you need to look at any debug-info)

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