[OT] Vim highlighting for trailing spaces

From: Kyle Moffett
Date: Thu Jun 28 2007 - 23:12:16 EST

On Jun 28, 2007, at 03:20:24, Dave Young wrote:
And for vim trailing space, there's a tip in vim.org:

I actually prefer this (in .vimrc):

" Show trailing whitespace and spaces before tabs
hi link localWhitespaceError Error
au Syntax * syn match localWhitespaceError /\(\zs\%#\|\s\)\+$/ display
au Syntax * syn match localWhitespaceError / \+\ze\t/ display

It always displays trailing whitespace and spaces-before tabs... except if your cursor is at the end of the whitespace. The updating is occasionally a bit laggy (EG: Put spaces on a line and then move the cursor off it without pressing <ENTER>), but when you hit Ctrl-L, enter, or edit an adjacent line then it updates.

The script mentioned there *is* good for removing said whitespace, though

Kyle Moffett

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