Re: [PATCH] Documentation: improvement to volatile considered harmful (resubmit)

From: Jonathan Corbet
Date: Mon Jul 02 2007 - 10:59:54 EST

Heikki Orsila <shdl@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> I'm resubmitting this as I didn't get any replies, this time CCeing
> proper people, sorry..
> Kernel locking/synchronization primitives are better than volatile types
> from code readability point of view also.

I think that just dilutes the real point. It's not a choice between
locking and volatile - the locking must be there regardless. It's a
correctness issue; if the result happens to be more readable too that's
a bonus.

If somebody wants to put this sentence in I won't object, but I don't
think it really improves the document either.


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