Re: [PATCH][BUTTON] remove procfs-interface

From: Satyam Sharma
Date: Mon Jul 16 2007 - 03:47:39 EST

On 7/16/07, Stefan Seyfried <seife@xxxxxxx> wrote:

Holy sh*t. There is not even a functional replacement ready, but still
everybody wants to remove /proc/acpi. (Maybe the replacement started
to work recently, i have not looked into this area for the last months.
This does not change my pint, though).
This is not going to work.
IMNSHO, we need the new interface available and usable for quite some time
(i'd say for over one year), and then we can start to phase out the old
Starting with removing /proc/acpi is not the correct ordering of actions.

Heh, you're 3 days late to the party, but yeah, Zhang's corrected me/
pointed this out (the functionality in /proc/acpi not yet in the sysfs I/F
being used by said userspace tools) already. I guess I had originally
misunderstood the "some user space tools still use the ACPI procfs" bit.

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