Re: runaway loop modprobe binfmt-0000

From: Tom Gall
Date: Sun Jan 06 2008 - 15:18:20 EST

Hi Andrew,

Thanks for the email back.

Andrew Morton wrote:

On Thu, 03 Jan 2008 12:18:19 -0600 Tom Gall <tom_gall@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

This is an interesting one as I just hit this with a kernel ... granted running on systemsim (the powerpc simulator) ... but as I'm hitting a wall I dropped in the dump_stack call and here is the output:

I don't remember what any of this is about and there is no record on the
mailing list - presumably because you're ccing lkml@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and not

Ever written the previous year on your checks? Well when I was googling about for folks with similar woes, the posts I had thought were from this January were actually from Jan 2007. O Well! Not to mention it's been awhile since I've posted to lkml ....

I suggest that we start again with this bug report from scratch.

In this case, not needed. I spent friday taking a tour of the codepath and basically narrowed it down to a device driver passing bum data.

So if this ever happens in the future and someone somewhere seems the message about trying to load binfmt-xxxx (where xxxx is 0000 or some other "random" number * (hold that thought I'll come back to this) ) here are some things to consider as you're debugging your problem.

In my case, the device driver was just good enough that it could access the device, but was poor enough that the bits it was loading were complete crap ... So the kernel was happily running along booting, gets to the point where it's time to exec init, loads the first bits of the binary, does a compare to make sure it's an elf binary, fails the compare (because the data is junk) ... the kernel figures that ooo .. this data must be good it's just in a different format ... I'll run through the list of known binary file formats.. hmm not that one .. or that one .... then running out of options trys to load a module for what must be this amazing new file format, can't find the module and ker-blew-ee.

* So this number that is part of the module name binfmt-xxxx is from what I see the id of the file format ... thankfully no one has choosen 0000 as their id ...

Unless it's a potential denial-of-service attack for unprivileged users,
in which case a cc to security@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx migt be more appropriate.

As this is a boot time issue it's certainly not a DOS. Now there might be value is thinking about this error path in the initial boot up of the kernel. The message is a bit obscure for what the real issue is. Still .. should one go back to the device and comfirm that the data received was actually reasonable? No.

So I think we have two cases here:

I could see a change where the system should probably panic with some sort of message like : "Not able to exec %s, unrecognized file format" if this were to happen at boot up. I could put together a patch.

Running System:
If this happens after the system is up and running, I'd think one is going to have some data in dmeg probably to the tune of "media error" ... so in my mind, who cares about that case.



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