Re: Driver removals

From: Valdis . Kletnieks
Date: Fri Feb 15 2008 - 20:52:49 EST

On Fri, 15 Feb 2008 20:08:13 EST, Bill Davidsen said:

> can never make you see why technological extortion is evil. People have
> always moved to new drivers without pushing because they were *better*,
> guess that model is dead.

And the drivers get better because the Code Fairy comes and sprinkles magic
bugfix dust all over them? And the Code Fairy knows where to sprinkle bugfix
dust because it can see where the Bugreport Fairy sprinkled Bugreport Dust?

Yes, people will move without pushing when the drivers are better. However,
remember that a major cultural motivation for the GPL is the concept of "give
back". And if a user can't be bothered to even give back enough to say
"wow, this blows, my Frobnozz9800 doesn't work with this driver", that's a
problem with the user. They're getting it for free, they should at least
give the developers the kindness of a bug report if something is broken...

<insert diatribe about users who just want free-as-in-beer>....

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