Re: [PATCH] CodingStyle: multiple updates

From: Bernd Petrovitsch
Date: Wed Feb 27 2008 - 04:27:41 EST

On Mit, 2008-02-27 at 00:40 +0100, Guennadi Liakhovetski wrote:
> On Tue, 26 Feb 2008, Jan Engelhardt wrote:
> > +Continuation lines are always shorter than the initial one and are
> > +(1) indented as much as the initial line, plus (2) alignment spaces.
> > +Spaces are used so as to not cause odd aligning for users wishing to
> > +display tabs at sizes other than 8. In the example below, the
> > +continuation line of the printk call therefore has two tabs of logical
> > +indent, followed by a number of spaces to align it up.
> Now, I think, I am not the only one using emacs. Until now the "linux"
> C-style fitted perfectly with the CodingStyle, now it no longer will.
> Namely, emacs puts as many tabs to indent the continuation line as fit
> (i.e., at tab width = 8 spaces it's just (extra indent / 8) tabs plus
> (extra indent % 8) spaces. Is there a way to make emacs behave compatibly
> to this proposal? If not, I would not like to have to re-indent every such

Unless I'm misunderstanding something completely: Add "indent-tabs-mode:
nil" in a "Local Variables:" section.
But since Linux-style has that since ages (if not ever), that should be
set for am emacs'ens linux-mode anyway.

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