Re: [PATCH] CodingStyle: multiple updates

From: SL Baur
Date: Wed Feb 27 2008 - 16:46:40 EST

On 2/27/08, Bernd Petrovitsch <bernd@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Unless I'm misunderstanding something completely: Add "indent-tabs-mode:
> nil" in a "Local Variables:" section.

Yes, please don't ever do that. At the very best it's an eyesore.
At the worst it's a typical Richard Stallman misfeature. And pity the
poor programmer who happens to submit a patch containing such
magic when AKPM rains thunderbolts down from heaven to correct
the error. (Andrew sustains an incoming patch load 2 orders of
magnitude higher than I ever had to and it drove me crazy, by all
means cater to his wishes).

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