Re: [ANNOUNCE] Ramback: faster than a speeding bullet

From: Matthias Schniedermeyer
Date: Thu Mar 13 2008 - 05:15:35 EST

On 11.03.2008 15:02, Daniel Phillips wrote:

> By the way, if you want to fly to the moon you will need a rocket.
> Streams of liquid hydrogen coursing through gigantic pipes sitting
> right next to violently burning roman candles are less reliable than
> bicycle pedals, but only one of these arrangements will get you to the
> moon on time. In other words, if you need the speed this is the only
> game in town, so you better just take care to buy reliable rocket
> parts.

Or to quote a little SciFi, in this case Captain Hunt from Andromeda:
Slipstream: it's not the best way to travel faster than light, it's just
the only way.[1]

At least that's what first crossed my mind after reading the above. ;-)


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