Re: ACPI OSI disaster on latest HP laptops - critical temperature shutdown

From: Norbert Preining
Date: Sat Aug 02 2008 - 10:45:47 EST

Hi everyone,

(please Cc or leave linux-acpi on the recipient list, thanks)

sorry to chime in so late, but I am experiencing something similar: My
Acer TravelMate 3012 sometimes shuts down at the boot sequence telling
me something like "critical temperature" (more I cannot read, it is
quite fast in turning of the laptop.

That happens at strange times (couldn't find a pattern), and after being
switched off for hours, so the laptop is definitely not hot.

Using 2.6.27-rc1, but I am relatively sure that I had similar things in
the past.

There something else strange, no idea if that is related, sometimes it
just hangs after
Setting the clock.
That is a message of Debian/sid and probably calls hwclock or something

If all that is something else, sorry for disturbing.

If you need .config, dmesg, acpidump, dmidecode, whatever, let me know.

Best wishes


Dr. Norbert Preining <preining@xxxxxxxx> Vienna University of Technology
Debian Developer <preining@xxxxxxxxxx> Debian TeX Group
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