Re: pthread_create() slow for many threads; also time to revisit64b context switch optimization?

From: Ingo Molnar
Date: Wed Aug 13 2008 - 11:11:33 EST

* Ulrich Drepper <drepper@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Ingo Molnar wrote:
> > not sure exactly what numbers you mean, but there are lots of numbers in
> > the first mail, attached below. For example:
> I mean numbers indicating that it doesn't hurt performance on any of
> today's machines. If there are machines where it makes a difference
> then we need the flag to indicate the _preference_ for a low stack, as
> opposed to indicating a _requirement_.

there were a few numbers about that as well, and a test-app. The test
app is below. The numbers were:

| I measured thread-to-thread context switches on two AMD processors and
| five Intel procesors. Tests used the same code with 32b or 64b stack
| pointers; tests covered varying numbers of threads switched and
| varying methods of allocating stacks. Two systems gave
| indistinguishable performance with 32b or 64b stacks, four gave 5%-10%
| better performance using 64b stacks, and of the systems I tested, only
| the P4 microarchitecture x86-64 system gave better performance for 32b
| stacks, in that case vastly better. Most systems had thread-to-thread
| switch costs around 800-1200 cycles. The P4 microarchitecture system
| had 32b context switch costs around 3,000 cycles and 64b context
| switches around 4,800 cycles.

i find it pretty unacceptable these days that we limit any aspect of
pure 64-bit apps in any way to 4GB (or any other 32-bit-ish limit).
[other than the small execution model which is 2GB obviously.]


// -- measure thread-to-thread context switch times
// using either low-address stacks or high-address stacks

#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <sched.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

const int kRequestedSwaps = 10000;
const int kNumThreads = 2;
const int kRequestedSwapsPerThread = kRequestedSwaps / kNumThreads;
const int kStackSize = 64 * 1024;
const int kTrials = 100;

typedef long long Tsc;
#define LARGEST_TSC (static_cast<Tsc>(1ULL << (8 * sizeof(Tsc) - 2) - 1))

Tsc now() {
unsigned int eax_lo, edx_hi;
Tsc now;
asm volatile("rdtsc" : "=a" (eax_lo), "=d" (edx_hi));
now = ((Tsc)eax_lo) | ((Tsc)(edx_hi) << 32);
return now;

// Use 0/1 for size to allow array subscripting.
const int pointer_sizes[] = { 32, 64 };
#define SZ_N (sizeof(pointer_sizes) / sizeof(pointer_sizes[0]))
typedef int PointerSize;

PointerSize address_size(const void *vaddr) {
intptr_t iaddr = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(vaddr);
return ((iaddr >> 32) == 0) ? 0 : 1;

// One instance poitned to by every PerThread.
struct SharedArgs {
// Read-only during a given test:
cpu_set_t cpu; // Only one bit set; all threads run on this CPU.

// Read/write during a given test:
pthread_barrier_t start_barrier;
pthread_barrier_t stop_barrier;

// One per thread.
struct PerThread {
// Thread args
SharedArgs *shared_args;
Tsc *stamps;

// Per-thread storage.
pthread_t thread;
void *stack[SZ_N]; // mmap()'d storage
pthread_attr_t attr;

// Distinguish betwen start/stop timestamp for each iteration
typedef enum { START, STOP } StartStop;

// Record each timestamp in isolation for minimum runtime cache footprint;
// after a run, copy each timestamp to one of these so can sort and also track
// start/stop, etc.
struct Event {
Tsc time;
StartStop start_stop;
int thread_num;
int iter;

// Sort events in increasing time order.
int event_pred(const void *ve0, const void *ve1) {
const Event *e0 = static_cast<const Event *>(ve0);
const Event *e1 = static_cast<const Event *>(ve1);
return e0->time - e1->time;

// Data to aggregate across runs. Print only after runs are all over, in order
// to minimize possible overlap of I/O and benchmark.
struct Result {
int pointer_size;
int swaps;
Tsc fastest;

// Each thread runs this worker.
void *worker(void *v_per_thread) {
const PerThread *per_thread = static_cast<const PerThread *>(v_per_thread);
SharedArgs *shared_args = per_thread->shared_args;

// Run all threads on the same CPU.
const cpu_set_t *cpu = &shared_args->cpu;
int cc = sched_setaffinity(0/*self*/, sizeof(*cpu), cpu);
if (cc != 0) {

// Wait for all workers to be ready before running the inner loop.
cc = pthread_barrier_wait(&shared_args->start_barrier);
if ((cc != 0) && (cc != PTHREAD_BARRIER_SERIAL_THREAD)) {

// Inner loop: track time before and after a swap. In principle we
// can use just one timestamp per iteration, but that gives more
// variance between timestamps from overheads such as cache misses
// not related to the context switch.
Tsc *stamp = per_thread->stamps;
for (int i = 0; i < kRequestedSwapsPerThread; ++i) {
// Run timed critical section in as much isolation as possible.
// Notably, read stamps but avoid saving them to memory and taking
// cache misses until after both %tsc reads.
asm volatile ("nop" ::: "memory");
Tsc start = now();
Tsc stop = now();
asm volatile ("nop" ::: "memory");
*stamp++ = start;
*stamp++ = stop;

// Release the manager to clean up.
cc = pthread_barrier_wait(&shared_args->stop_barrier);
if ((cc != 0) && (cc != PTHREAD_BARRIER_SERIAL_THREAD)) {

return NULL;

// Manager code that creates and starts worker threads, waits, then cleans up.
void run_test(PerThread *per_thread, PointerSize ps) {
// Create worker threads.
for (int th = 0; th < kNumThreads; ++th) {
int cc = pthread_attr_setstack(&per_thread[th].attr,
per_thread[th].stack[ps], kStackSize);
if (cc != 0) {

cc = pthread_create(&per_thread[th].thread, &per_thread[th].attr,
worker, &per_thread[th]);
if (cc != 0) {

// Release all worker threads to run their inner loop,
// then wait for all to finish before joining any.
SharedArgs *shared_args = per_thread->shared_args;
int cc = pthread_barrier_wait(&shared_args->start_barrier);
if ((cc != 0) && (cc != PTHREAD_BARRIER_SERIAL_THREAD)) {
cc = pthread_barrier_wait(&shared_args->stop_barrier);
if ((cc != 0) && (cc != PTHREAD_BARRIER_SERIAL_THREAD)) {

// Clean up worker threads.
for (int th = 0; th < kNumThreads; ++th) {
int cc = pthread_join(per_thread[th].thread, NULL);
if (cc != 0) {

// After a run, find out which sched_yield() calls actually did a yield,
// then find out the fastest sched_yield() that occured during the run.
Result process_data(Event *event, const PerThread per_thread[],
int requested_swaps_per_thread, PointerSize pointer_size) {
// Copy timestamps in to a struct to associate timestamps with thread number.
int event_num = 0;
for (int th = 0; th < kNumThreads; ++th) {
const Tsc *stamps = per_thread[th].stamps;
int stamp_num = 0;
StartStop start_stop = START;
// 2* because there's a start stamp and stop stamp for each swap
for (int iter = 0; iter < (2 * requested_swaps_per_thread); ++iter) {
event[event_num].time = stamps[stamp_num++];
event[event_num].start_stop = start_stop;
start_stop = (start_stop == START) ? STOP : START;
event[event_num].thread_num = th;
event[event_num].iter = iter;
int num_events = event_num;

// Sort data in timestamp order.
qsort(event, num_events, sizeof(event[0]), event_pred);

// A context switch occurred ff two adjacent stamps are for
// different threads. A requested context switch very likely
// occured if a context switch was between a START stamp in the
// first thread and a STOP stamp in the second. Note that some
// non-requested context switches also get logged. As example, a
// preemptive cswap could have occured, and the following
// sched_yield() may have done a yield-to-self.
Tsc fastest = LARGEST_TSC;
int swaps = 0;
for (int e = 0; e < (num_events - 1); ++e) {
if ((event[e].thread_num != event[e+1].thread_num) &&
(event[e].start_stop == START) && (event[e+1].start_stop == STOP)) {
Tsc t = event[e+1].time - event[e].time;
if (t < fastest)
fastest = t;

Result result;
result.pointer_size = pointer_size;
result.swaps = swaps;
result.fastest = fastest;
return result;

// Dump results for one run. Also aggregate "best of best" and "worst of best".
void dump_one_run(Tsc best[SZ_N], Tsc worst[SZ_N], int trial_num,
const Result *result) {
Tsc t = result->fastest;
PointerSize ps = result->pointer_size;
int cc = printf("run: %d pointer-size: %d requested-swaps: %d got-swaps: %d fastest: %lld\n",
trial_num, pointer_sizes[ps],
kRequestedSwaps, result->swaps, result->fastest);
if (cc < 0) {
if (t < best[ps])
best[ps] = t;
if (t > worst[ps])
worst[ps] = t;

void *mmap_stack(PointerSize pointer_size) {
int location_flag;
switch(pointer_sizes[pointer_size]) {
case 32: location_flag = MAP_32BIT; break;
case 64: location_flag = 0x0; break;
fprintf(stderr, "Implementation error: unhandled stack placement\n");

void *stack = mmap(0, kStackSize, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE,
MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS|location_flag, 0, 0);
if (stack == MAP_FAILED) {

// Check we got the stack location we requested
PointerSize got = address_size(stack);
if (got != pointer_size) {
// Note: MSWindohs and Linux are asymmetrical about %p: one prints
// with a leading 0x, the other does not. Assume here it does not matter.
fprintf(stderr, "Did not get requested pointer size\n");

return stack;

void munmap_stack(void *stack) {
int cc = munmap(stack, kStackSize);
if (cc != 0) {

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
SharedArgs shared_args;

// Find the highest-numbered CPU, all threads run on that thread only.
cpu_set_t set;
int sz = sched_getaffinity(0, sizeof(set), &set);
// Documentation says sched_getaffinity() returns the size used by
// the kernel, but by experiment it returns zero on some 2.6.18
// systems, but with a sensible mask nonetheless.
if (sz < 0) {
perror ("sched_getaffinity");
// Find an available processor/core. If possible grab something other
// than CPU 0 to minimize interference from interrupts preferentially
// delivered to core 0.
int proc;
for (proc=CPU_SETSIZE-1; proc>=0; --proc)
if (CPU_ISSET(proc, &set))
if (proc >= CPU_SETSIZE) {
fprintf (stderr, "No virtual processors!?\n");
CPU_SET(proc, &shared_args.cpu);

// Reusable per-thread setup
PerThread per_thread[kNumThreads];
for (int th = 0; th < kNumThreads; ++th) {
per_thread[th].stamps = new Tsc[2 * kRequestedSwaps];
per_thread[th].shared_args = &shared_args;
for (int ps = 0; ps < SZ_N; ++ps)
per_thread[th].stack[ps] = mmap_stack(static_cast<PointerSize>(ps));
int cc = pthread_attr_init(&per_thread[th].attr);
if (cc != 0) {

// Storage for post-processing timestamps from one trial run.
// 2 stamps per iteration. 'new' the storage since long runs
// otherwise overflow the stack.
Event *event = new Event[kNumThreads * (2 * kRequestedSwaps)];

// Post-processed data for all trial runs. Written during the "run
// tests" phase and read during the "dump data" phase.
int kNumRuns = kTrials * SZ_N;
Result result[kNumRuns];
int result_num = 0;

// Pthread barriers are cyclic, so can reuse them. +1 for the manager thread
pthread_barrier_init(&shared_args.start_barrier, NULL, kNumThreads + 1);
pthread_barrier_init(&shared_args.stop_barrier, NULL, kNumThreads + 1);

// Warming runs
run_test(per_thread, static_cast<PointerSize>(0/*32b*/));
run_test(per_thread, static_cast<PointerSize>(1/*64b*/));

// Run tests
for (int trial = 0; trial < kTrials; ++trial) {
int requested_swaps_per_thread = kRequestedSwaps / kNumThreads;
for (int ps = 0; ps < SZ_N; ++ps) {
PointerSize pointer_size = static_cast<PointerSize>(ps);
run_test(per_thread, pointer_size);

// Process data and save to RAM. Do not do explicit I/O here on the
// basis background activity may interfere with context switches.
result[result_num++] = process_data(event,

// Cleanup

for (int th = 0; th < kNumThreads; ++th) {
delete[] per_thread[th].stamps;
for (int ps = 0; ps < SZ_N; ++ps)
int cc = pthread_attr_destroy(&per_thread[th].attr);
if (cc != 0) {
delete[] event;

// Dump data from RAM to stdout.
Tsc worst[SZ_N] = { 0, 0 };
for (int r = 0; r < result_num; ++r)
dump_one_run(best, worst, r, &result[r]);
for (int sz = 0; sz < SZ_N; ++sz) {
int cc = printf("best-of-best[%d]: %lld\nworst-of-best[%d]: %lld\n",
pointer_sizes[sz], best[sz], pointer_sizes[sz], worst[sz]);
if (cc < 0) {
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