Re: unexpected extra pollout events from epoll

From: Robert Hancock
Date: Mon Oct 27 2008 - 01:59:28 EST

Paul P wrote:
Which version of epoll do you have? The epoll_wait()
function does not accept an event mask (like you write above,

lol, I was a bit tired when I wrote that. Ok, ignore the stuff related to epoll_wait in my previous post.
As optimization, if the EPOLLOUT bit is already set, you
don't need to keep calling epoll_ctl(fd,MOD,EPOLLOUT).

This is good to know.

So, I've got a few questions about what happens to data that accumulates while I am sending and the fd is set to EPOLLOUT? If I am send out a large buffer and incoming data wants to stream in on a full duplex connection, what happens to that data when I am processing the socket while it is in epollout mode?

Is the following accurate? When data comes in while I am sending, I guess the data fills up the receive buffers until they are full and then it stops accepting data until it is cleared out? When I switch back to EPOLLIN, I'm guessing that I will get a notification on that fd that there is data waiting.

The other question I have is there a way to do full-duplex networking so that I can receive network messages while I am sending or vice versa? It seems that the method of switching the socket between EPOLLIN and EPOLLOUT means that I can't do both operations simultaneously. Thanks

I don't quite follow. You shouldn't be switching back and forth if you're trying to both send and receive, you can be registered for both notifications at the same time and respond to whatever notifications that you get. If you're not trying to write anything at the moment then you shouldn't be registered for EPOLLOUT though, same for reading and EPOLLIN.
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