Re: [PATCH 05/10] omap mailbox: fix empty struct device for omap1

From: Russell King - ARM Linux
Date: Wed Jan 28 2009 - 14:42:33 EST

On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 09:21:22PM +0200, Hiroshi DOYU wrote:
> It seems that I misunderstood your comment in the following mail.

Ah, that comment was more about that specific include in that specific
file - I couldn't see anything in there which required it.

The general rule is: if both asm/xxx.h and linux/xxx.h exists, then use
the linux/xxx.h version. I stress _general_ rule - there are exceptions.
For example, linux/irq.h and linux/memory.h. A clue would be if linux/xxx.h
doesn't include asm/xxx.h, then the rule above probably doesn't apply.

> Reverted both header file changes. Update attached patches.

Much better, thanks. This I'm happy with.
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