Re: [PATCH RFC] v2 expedited "big hammer" RCU grace periods

From: Paul E. McKenney
Date: Sun Apr 26 2009 - 16:54:55 EST

On Sun, Apr 26, 2009 at 01:27:17PM +0200, Ingo Molnar wrote:
> * Paul E. McKenney <paulmck@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > Second cut of "big hammer" expedited RCU grace periods, but only
> > for rcu_bh. This creates another softirq vector, so that entering
> > this softirq vector will have forced an rcu_bh quiescent state (as
> > noted by Dave Miller). Use smp_call_function() to invoke
> > raise_softirq() on all CPUs in order to cause this to happen.
> > Track the CPUs that have passed through a quiescent state (or gone
> > offline) with a cpumask.
> hm, i'm still asking whether doing this would be simpler via a
> reschedule vector - which not only is an existing facility but also
> forces all RCU domains through a quiescent state - not just bh-RCU
> participants.
> Triggering a new softirq is in no way simpler that doing an SMP
> cross-call - in fact softirqs are a finite resource so using some
> other facility would be preferred.
> Am i missing something?

Well, it is entirely possible that I am the one missing something.

So, here is the line of reasoning that lead me to the bh-RCU approach:

o The two flavors of RCU that can support an off-to-the-side
expedited implementation are RCU-bh and RCU-sched. Preemptable
RCU requires a more intrusive approach for normal RCU, due to
the fact that RCU readers can be preempted and can block on locks.
Therefore, forcing a reschedule on each CPU does not force a
grace period for preemptable RCU.

Of course, there is an easy workaround -- for preemptable
RCU, make the expedited primitive just directly invoke
synchronize_rcu(). Although this would not provide any speedup,
it would at least guarantee correct operation. But I believe
that we need to have a way to expedite grace periods on -rt
kernels with preemptable RCU as well as on non-real-time kernels.

o As you say, an RCU-sched grace period implies an RCU-bh grace
period on non-realtime kernels. Unfortunately, for -rt kernels,
softirq handlers can be preempted and can block while waiting
for locks, so forcing a reschedule on each CPU does not force
a grace period for RCU-bh in a -rt kernel.

Again, there is an easy workaround: in CONFIG_PREEMPT_RT
kernels, make the RCU-bh variant of the expedited primitive
invoke a new synchronize_rcu_bh() primitive.

Of course, allowing an RCU-sched grace period to imply an RCU-bh
grace period loses the DoS-resistance advantages of RCU-bh.
However, very few of the RCU updates in the kernel take
advantage of DoS resistance. Furthermore, Steve's patch did
not use RCU-bh, so one could argue that we should forget about
DoS-resistance for the time being. Thoughts?

o The approach in the previous patch works across all kernel
builds, because of the fact that it forces a new softirq handler
to run, thus guaranteeing that all prior softirq handlers and
RCU-bh read-side critical sections for the CPU in question
have completed.

o I used a new softirq vector out of laziness. I could instead
raise RCU_SOFTIRQ, and then add code to each of the
rcu_process_callbacks() functions to ack the expedited

Easy for me to change, though. I guess I don't have to be
-that- lazy. ;-)

o So, why RCU-bh rather than RCU-sched?

Again, laziness. The RCU-sched approach requires greater
intrusiveness into the existing RCU implementations. Nothing
wrong with that, given that this is in fact another RCU API
member, but given the choice, I would rather do the intruding
after dropping Classic RCU.

The easiest way I could see to minimize intrusion for RCU-sched
is to create a new per-CPU counter that is incremented by each
implementation of rcu_qsctr_inc(). But even easier to avoid
the rcu_qsctr_inc() code path entirely.

Once we have dropped Classic RCU and I have merged Preemptable RCU into
Hierarchical RCU, it becomes much more attractive to merge the expediting
into the main RCU state machine.


Thanx, Paul
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