Re: [PATCH] eeepc-laptop: enable camera by default

From: Darren Salt
Date: Sun Jun 07 2009 - 11:17:51 EST

I demand that Alan Jenkins may or may not have written...

> Btw I've now tested the udev rule, you can just dump this in a new .rules
> file under /etc/udev/rules.d:

> SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="eb1a", ATTR{idProduct}=="2761", ATTR{power/level}="auto"

And a similar line for 05e3:0505, which seems to be working fine here.

| Darren Salt | linux at youmustbejoking | nr. Ashington, | Doon
| Debian GNU/Linux | or ds ,demon,co,uk | Northumberland | Army
| + Buy less and make it last longer. INDUSTRY CAUSES GLOBAL WARMING.

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