Re: [PATCH] eeepc-laptop: enable camera by default

From: Matthew Garrett
Date: Sun Jun 07 2009 - 19:29:28 EST

On Sun, Jun 07, 2009 at 04:41:30PM +0100, Alan Jenkins wrote:

> Hmm, some cameras have input devices (i.e. buttons). In fact, uvcvideo
> registers an input device on my EEE even though it has no buttons. I
> think that needs investigating :-(.
> It's quite likely that the buttons can stop working when suspended.
> And there might be other devices with the same IDs, which have a
> button wired up.

A change has recently been committed that results in the button only
working if the v4l device is open. Otherwise you've got several wakeups
a second due to the polling of the button endpoint. I'm assuming that
opening the device disables autosuspend, so I wouldn't worry about that.

It'd be interesting to try enabling autosuspend on all UVC devices. Can
a driver indicate that its hardware supports it?
Matthew Garrett | mjg59@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
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