inotify regression, missing events

From: Scott James Remnant
Date: Sat Jul 11 2009 - 12:02:25 EST

Hey folks,

Looks like there's a regression with inotify since the rewrite to use
fanotify. Events are simply missing and not being delivered to

Here's a simple test case, just compile and run it:

#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/inotify.h>

#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>

enum {
WD = 0x01,
FOO = 0x02,
BAR = 0x04,
SUBDIR_WD = 0x08,
SUBDIR = 0x10,
SUBDIR_FOO = 0x20,
ALL = 0x3f

main (int argc,
char *argv[])
int fd;
char dirname[PATH_MAX];
char filename[PATH_MAX];
int ret;
FILE * fp;
int wd;
int subdir_wd;
char buf[4096];
int expected;
ssize_t len;
size_t sz;

fd = inotify_init ();
assert (fd >= 0);

/* Create a temporary directory with two files and a sub-directory
* containing just one file.
strcpy (dirname, "/tmp/inotify_test_XXXXXX");
assert (mkdtemp (dirname));

strcpy (filename, dirname);
strcat (filename, "/subdir");

ret = mkdir (filename, 0755);
assert (ret == 0);

strcpy (filename, dirname);
strcat (filename, "/subdir/foo");

fp = fopen (filename, "w");
assert (fp);

fprintf (fp, "file in a sub-directory\n");

ret = fclose (fp);
assert (ret == 0);

strcpy (filename, dirname);
strcat (filename, "/foo");

fp = fopen (filename, "w");
assert (fp);

fprintf (fp, "this is a test\n");

ret = fclose (fp);
assert (ret == 0);

strcpy (filename, dirname);
strcat (filename, "/bar");

fp = fopen (filename, "w");
assert (fp);

fprintf (fp, "this is another test\n");

ret = fclose (fp);
assert (ret == 0);

/* Watch those directories for deletions */
wd = inotify_add_watch (fd, dirname, IN_DELETE);
assert (wd >= 0);

strcpy (filename, dirname);
strcat (filename, "/subdir");

subdir_wd = inotify_add_watch (fd, filename, IN_DELETE);
assert (wd >= 0);

/* Clean up the directory */
strcpy (filename, dirname);
strcat (filename, "/subdir/foo");

ret = unlink (filename);
assert (ret == 0);

strcpy (filename, dirname);
strcat (filename, "/subdir");

ret = rmdir (filename);
assert (ret == 0);

strcpy (filename, dirname);
strcat (filename, "/bar");

ret = unlink (filename);
assert (ret == 0);

strcpy (filename, dirname);
strcat (filename, "/foo");

ret = unlink (filename);
assert (ret == 0);

ret = rmdir (dirname);
assert (ret == 0);

/* Read the inotify events */
expected = ALL;
while (expected) {
struct inotify_event *ev;
ssize_t off;

printf ("Waiting for:");
if (expected & WD)
printf (" wd");
if (expected & FOO)
printf (" foo");
if (expected & BAR)
printf (" bar");
if (expected & SUBDIR_WD)
printf (" subdir_wd");
if (expected & SUBDIR)
printf (" subdir");
if (expected & SUBDIR_FOO)
printf (" subdir/foo");
printf ("\n");

len = read (fd, buf, sizeof buf);
assert (len > 0);

off = 0;
while (off < len) {
ev = (struct inotify_event *)(buf + off);
sz = sizeof (struct inotify_event) + ev->len;
off += sz;

/* Eliminate the silly */
assert (! (ev->mask & IN_Q_OVERFLOW));
assert (! (ev->mask & IN_UNMOUNT));

/* Print the event for debugging */
printf ("Got ");
if (ev->mask & IN_DELETE)
printf ("DELETE ");
if (ev->mask & IN_IGNORED)
printf ("IGNORED ");
if (ev->mask & IN_ISDIR)
printf ("ISDIR ");
if (ev->len)
printf ("\"%.*s\" ", ev->len, ev->name);
printf ("(%d)\n", ev->wd);

/* Expect the file in the sub-directory to go */
if ((ev->wd == subdir_wd)
&& (ev->mask & IN_DELETE)
&& (! (ev->mask & IN_ISDIR))
&& (strncmp (ev->name, "foo", ev->len) == 0))
expected &= ~SUBDIR_FOO;

/* Expect the sub-directory to go */
if ((ev->wd == wd)
&& (ev->mask & IN_DELETE)
&& (ev->mask & IN_ISDIR)
&& (strncmp (ev->name, "subdir", ev->len) == 0))
expected &= ~SUBDIR;

/* Expect an IS_IGNORED for the sub-directory watch */
if ((ev->wd == subdir_wd)
&& (ev->mask & IN_IGNORED))
expected &= ~SUBDIR_WD;

/* Expect the first file in the directory to go */
if ((ev->wd == wd)
&& (ev->mask & IN_DELETE)
&& (! (ev->mask & IN_ISDIR))
&& (strncmp (ev->name, "foo", ev->len) == 0))
expected &= ~FOO;

/* Expect the second file in the directory to go */
if ((ev->wd == wd)
&& (ev->mask & IN_DELETE)
&& (! (ev->mask & IN_ISDIR))
&& (strncmp (ev->name, "bar", ev->len) == 0))
expected &= ~BAR;

/* And finally expect an IS_IGNORED for the directory */
if ((ev->wd == wd)
&& (ev->mask & IN_IGNORED))
expected &= ~WD;

ret = close (fd);
assert (ret == 0);

printf ("\n");
printf ("All good!\n");

return 0;

With 2.6.30, you see (as you'd expect) an inotify delete event for each
of the files and the sub-directory along with the IN_IGNORED for the
sub-directory and directory as the watch gets cleaned up by the kernel:

Waiting for: wd foo bar subdir_wd subdir subdir/foo
Got DELETE "foo" (2)
Got DELETE ISDIR "subdir" (1)
Got DELETE "bar" (1)
Got DELETE "foo" (1)

All good!

But with 2.6.31-rc2, the event for the "foo" file isn't delivered:

Waiting for: wd foo bar subdir_wd subdir subdir/foo
Got DELETE "foo" (2)
Got DELETE ISDIR "subdir" (1)
Got DELETE "bar" (1)
Waiting for: foo

This doesn't seem to be related to the removal of the parent directory,
without removing that we still hang waiting for the event for that file.

Scott James Remnant

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