Suggested code change: slab.c : Moderately simple : reap based on last access time and show LAST access AGE

From: Mitchell Erblich
Date: Mon Jul 13 2009 - 02:45:37 EST

* The basis of the below changes deal with STANDARD rules that caches
are time dependent when dealing with their objects. We assume re-use
shortly after frees and as time moves forward a lower percentage of objects
will be re-used.

If I understand the Linux SLAB implementation then ..

SLAB Caches IMO should NORMALLY be reaped ONLY after X time has passed after
the last object is freed and movement of the slab to the freelist.

It is logical that on a freq alloc/free/alloc repeated sequences that a
reasonable time has NOT passed and the drain_freelist() will release
a slab that would be re-used for the next alloc.

Secondly, if and when CERTAIN events are pending (ie: extremely low free memory)
then the time since should be ignored and all available free slabs should be
re-used / slab_destroy().

Suggested something like code:

To add flexibility : add a /proc variable for "X time"
#define FREE_SLAB_AFTER 10 /*secs */

Thus ..

in struct slab : add an entry : unsigned long went_free; /* time slab went free */
Use ALSO as last object inuse changes


Add a boolean arg to drain_freelist() FREE_SOME_EMPTYS or FREE_ALL_EMPTYS
and convert the tofree to the boolean

/* After X secs have passed or FREE_ALL_EMPTYS, then destroy/re-use */
if ( (! (time_after(jiffies, slabp->went_free ) && (FREE_SOME_EMPTYS)))

TODO: set jiffy time ONLY when it when it changes (slabp->inuse = 0;) and ++ / --
slabp->went_free = jiffies;

/* By adding a jiffies slab struct item */
/* Adding debug set of the jiffies anytime the SLAB is accessed and a like drain
function looking for leaks say every hour could be done.
Locating these slabs could then SET WARNings, as it indicates a MEMORY LEAK?
Could be done in check_slabp for age greater than 1 hr

and s_show() can print the age of the slab .. convert jiffies...
SHOWS age and last usage..

Mitchell Erblich

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