Re: [RFC] Freescale MC13783 PMIC support

From: Daniel Ribeiro
Date: Fri Aug 14 2009 - 21:18:26 EST

Em Ter, 2009-08-11 Ãs 13:28 +0100, Mark Brown escreveu:
> > PMICs in one system (quite unlikely scenario?), read actual pressure
> It's vanishingly unlikely that you'd see two Atlases in one system - you
> might see two PMICs but not two primary PMICs with stuff like battery
> chargers on them.

There are some GSM Phones from Motorola with PCAP2 + MC13883 (based on
MC13783, but with USB and regulator blocks only). On these phones the
battery charging, and USB OTG capabilities of PCAP2 are unused.

All "gen2" devices on use PCAP2
+ MC13883. "MotoMAGX" devices use MC13783 only. And "gen1" PCAP2 only.

Daniel Ribeiro

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