Re: [How to upload our driver to ""] Would you give me your advice?

From: Masa
Date: Mon Dec 14 2009 - 09:45:24 EST


> SubmittingDrivers in the Documentation/ can help you with this.
> Online copy can be found at (amongst many more):
I found it
I will read it.

> If you intend to post the drivers as the development effort continues. so that
> you can have the community feedback (and if required help) during the process
> then you might in interested in Greg's Staging tree.
> You can base your patches to the latest kernel (or git trees of respective
> maintainers) and post them to the mailing list.
Oh! Do I have to base our patches to the latest kernel?
May be so.
And the community feedback is important.
It seems to need big effort and we will make every effort anyway.
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