Re: [RFC] Unify KVM kernel-space and user-space code into a singleproject

From: Alan Cox
Date: Thu Mar 18 2010 - 18:04:01 EST

> So it's good enough to be in Fedora/RHEL but not good enough to be in upstream
> glibc? How is that possible? Isnt that a double standard?

Yes its a double standard

Glibc has a higher standard than Fedora/RHEL.

Just like the Ubuntu kernel ships various ugly unfit for upstream kernel

> kernel's fault. But glibc is certainly not being helpful in that situation
> either and your earlier claim that you are only waiting for the patches is
> rather dishonest.

I am sure Ulrich is being totally honest, but send him the patches and
you'll find out. Plus you will learn what the API should look like when
you try and create them ...

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