Re: [PATCH 4/6] drivers:misc: sources for Init manager module

From: Marcel Holtmann
Date: Wed Mar 24 2010 - 12:12:00 EST

Hi Pavan,

> I wanted to somehow put this in staging because then it would probably have a thorough architectural review process.
> Some details about this driver -
> 1. This driver will be used by Bluetooth-BlueZ/FM-V4L2 and GPS (probably character device driver) using the EXPORTED symbols (-register/_unregister).
> 2. Much like the hciattach daemon which maintains N_HCI bluetooth line discipline, this driver will also have a User-Space N_TI_WL Init manager (UIM) maintaining the Line discipline.

can you explain why you think this is needed and we can not interface
this directly. If it is a serial port, what protocol does it talk?

> 3. Because of the UIM should know when to install/uninstall line discipline, the /sys entry is created a root called UIM (a new kobject) and UIM daemon would write it's PID to it.

I don't understand this. This sounds like a broken concept to me.

> 4. As Alan suggested, If I make it self-contained by pushing number of line disciplines to a slightly larger number, then would it be OK ?

Just from a quick look, I think within a few review cycles this might be
able to get proper upstream inclusion. No idea why bother with staging
in the first place. Lets do this correctly.



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