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From: highincome2011
Date: Thu Apr 21 2011 - 23:42:27 EST

"highincome2011@xxxxxxxxx" <highincome2011@xxxxxxxxx> has recommended that you visit this page:

Dear Friend,

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>>>>> This Screen Snapshot Easy to earn w/in oneday After Join <<<<<

TYPE DATE & TIME ---------- NEW MEMBERS --------- COUNTRYs

P -- APRIL.20 @ 2:38 AM-----Jasmine--- Clinton------ United States
P -- APRIL.20 @ 2:53 AM-----Jo-ann---- Denver ------ United Kingdom
P -- APRIL.20 @ 2:56 AM-----Mark ----- Jonhson------ Germany
M -- APRIL.20 @ 4:19 AM-----Charesse-- Reos--------- Hungary
P -- APRIL.20 @ 4:28 AM-----Renny----- Pacson------- Italy
M -- APRIL.20 @ 6:01 AM-----Laura----- Anderson----- Australia
P -- APRIL.20 @ 7:11 AM-----Rebecca--- Hotfild------ Canada
P -- APRIL.20 @ 7:39 AM-----Jericho--- Morales------ Mexico
P -- APRIL.20 @ 9:42 AM-----Thomas---- Silva ------- California
M -- APRIL.20 @ 9:58 PM-----Grace----- Taylor------- Singapore
P -- APRIL.20 @ 10:21 PM-----Gina------ Henry-------- New Zealand
P -- APRIL.19 @ 11:24 PM-----Mohammed-- Ahmen ------- Oman
M -- APRIL.19 @ 11:33 PM-----Tracia---- Furlong------ Puerto Rico
P -- APRIL.19 @ 11:41 PM-----Jane------ McLarry------ Russia
P -- APRIL.19 @ 9:42 AM-----Steve----- Scott ------- Netherlands
M -- APRIL.19 @ 9:58 PM-----Greg------ Stanley------ Denmark
P -- March.19 @ 10:21 PM-----Jack------ Perkins------ Amsterdam
P -- March.19 @ 11:24 PM-----Arlene---- Tan --------- China
M -- March.19 @ 11:33 PM-----Andy------ Hopekins----- New York
P -- March.19 @ 11:41 PM-----Jhon------ Robinson----- United States
M -- March.19 @ 2:34 AM --- Kevin----- Hunt -------- Sweden
P -- March.19 @ 12:34 AM --- Delia----- Lane -------- New York
P -- March.19 @ 6:45 AM --- Mohamed--- Abdol-------- Saudi Arabia
M -- March.19 @ 5:34 AM --- Aleks----- Gjuroski ---- Japan
P -- March.18 @ 12:34 PM --- Andrew---- Karim ------- England
P -- March.18 @ 8:23 AM --- Carla----- Pereira ----- South Korea
P -- March.18 @ 2:34 PM --- Carl------ Krause ------ India
M -- March.18 @ 9:14 AM --- David----- Cook -------- Denmark
P -- March.18 @ 8:23 AM --- Cheryl---- Pacquiao ---- Philippines
P -- March.18 @ 2:34 PM --- Vergie---- Petter ------ Ingland
M -- March.18 @ 9:14 AM --- Tito------ Warren ------ Bangladish
P - March.18 @ 7:46 AM --- Raul------ Regan ------- United States

Therefore, you have a GUARANTEED $800 CommissionS every month from now on!.

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Just one simple payment of $25 For a new member Automatic earn $800 USD,And This is
your big Profitable this year.becuase your $25 Multiply into more $$$ every month!!!

You must UPGRADE right away or before others do....

Caring for Your Success, Philip Mansour

Your Affiliate Business Manager

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