Re: [PATCH 5/7] seccomp_filter: Document what seccomp_filter is andhow it works.

From: Eric Paris
Date: Wed May 04 2011 - 14:03:25 EST

On Wed, 2011-05-04 at 12:39 -0400, Steven Rostedt wrote:
> On Wed, 2011-05-04 at 12:22 -0400, Eric Paris wrote:

[rewriting history]
> > Although logically the same, it's not just one huge rule. I don't see
> > any need for any operation other than an &&. Before the first "apply" you
> > can add new syscalls. After the first apply you can only && onto existing
> > syscalls. So the following set of operations:
> >
> > SECCOMP_FILTER_SET, __NR_foo, "a=0"
> > SECCOMP_FILTER_SET, __NR_read, "1"
> >
> > SECCOMP_FILTER_SET, __NR_foo, "b=0"
> >
> > SECCOMP_FILTER_SET, __NR_write, "1"
> >
> > Would return EPERM for the __NR_write entry since it was a new syscall
> > after an apply. I think we agree on all this.
> Do you mean "after a apply"? As the second line above is a new syscall
> after the first set.

Clearly. Especially since given my revisionist history it's what I

> >
> > I do have a question on some syntax proposed a while back. Given:
> > SECCOMP_FILTER_SET, __NR_foo, "a=0"
> > SECCOMP_FILTER_SET, __NR_foo, "b=0"
> >
> > I would think to keep the interface consistent that should result in
> > foo: (a=0) && (b=0)
> I agree.
> >
> > But I think the proposal was that we should instead have just
> > foo: (b=0)
> Yeah, that's what it looked like Frederic showed. I rather have the
> first instance.
> Perhaps we could have a "unset"? that would only work on things that
> haven't been applied yet.
> >
> > What's the logic behind having a second call overwrite uncommitted
> > changes? I sorta feel like if I put it in there, I must have wanted it
> > in there :)
> Perhaps for making the user code simpler?
> SET a=1
> SET b=2
> [ some nasty if logic ]
> UNSET b=2
> Thus a default setting can be made and then we can selectively remove
> settings before we do the apply based on information about the process
> that we will exec. We can start out with "limit the hell out of it" and
> then selectively remove things. I think this is a simply way to
> understand what is being done. Kind of like iptables, where you can set
> up default rules, but then selectively override them.
> One thing I know about security, the easier it is to set up, the more
> secure it becomes.

I'm ok with an explicit unset/remove/delete for rules since the last
apply if anyone thinks it will be useful. But I don't like an implicit

I'm starting to debate if I think between rules should be an implicit &&
or should be an implicit ||. After an 'apply' I believe the next block
definitely needs an &&. I feel like the code in userspace becomes
simpler with || but maybe it would be more confusing for the human coder
to have to know the distinctions. The example in my head, which I think
will be common, involves handling multiple fd's for read. We could
either do:

int handle_read_fd(int fd)
char buf[4096];
snprintf(buf, 4096, "a0=%d", fd)
return prctl(SECCOMP_FILTER_SET, __NR_read, buf);

fd1 = open("readfile1", O_RDONLY);
if (fd1 < 0) return
if (handle_read_fd(fd1)) return
fd2 = open("readfile2, O_RDONLY);
if (fd2 < 0) return
if (handle_read_fd(fd2)) return

Or case2 with the implicit && like we talked about to handle an
arbitrary number of read fd's you need (pseudocode):
int handle_read_fds(int *fds, int len)
char buf[4096];
size_t saved;
while(len--) {
saved = snprintf(buf, 4096, "a0=%d ||");
buf += saved;
return prctl(SECCOMP_FILTER_SET, __NR_read, buf)
int fd[2];
fd[0] = open("readfile1", O_RDONLY);
if (fd[0] < 0) return
fd[1] = open("readfile2, O_RDONLY);
if (fd[1] < 0) return
handle_read_fds(fd, 2)

The latter of the examples requires what I think to be the common case
of complex rules to be required to hold state whereas the other is done
in the kernel. It's a lot easier to code the first one but it might be
harder on the coder to decide "now is than an && or an ||"? Like I
said, I'm ok with just declaring everything &&, especially if people
think complex filters are likely to be anything more than rule1 || rule2
|| rule3 || rule4 where ruleX is an independent clause, but I figured
I'd throw it out there....

No matter what after the APPLY I think that:
SECCOMP_FILTER, __NR_read, "0" should result in:
(rule1 || rule2 || rule3 || rule4) && 0


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