getter PTRACE_GETSIGINFO should not modify anything [Re: [PATCH11/11] ptrace: implement group stop notification for ptracer]

From: Jan Kratochvil
Date: Sun May 15 2011 - 10:05:23 EST

On Sun, 08 May 2011 17:49:05 +0200, Tejun Heo wrote:
> which triggers INTERRUPT trap but is sticky until the next

PTRACE_GETSIGINFO is a getter. It must not modify anything. Or there should
be some other way how to query the siginfo_t state fully transparently (*).

(*) But if there exists such syscall it probably does not make sense to modify

Imagine various LD_PRELOAD tools which try to wrap system/library calls and
operate with ptrace while keeping it transparent for the original debugger.
(I have a bunch of such libraries for testing gdb/strace/etc. written there.)

Also complicated debuggers with internal OO hierarchy would need to just wrap
PTRACE_GETSIGINFO into an internal function to make it transparent for calls
not intending to modify the debuggee state.

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