Re: [PATCH 0/7] overlay filesystem: request for inclusion

From: J. R. Okajima
Date: Thu Jun 16 2011 - 18:59:35 EST

Miklos Szeredi:
> file, so most applications should handle this behavior fine. The truth
> is a bit more complicated and the effect of the copy-up is more like
> this:
> cp /foo/bar /tmp/ttt
> mount --bind /tmp/ttt /foo/bar

Good example.
'mount' instead of simple 'cp' means struct stat.st_dev differs.
And it will make some applications confused such as find -x, du -x, df,
chmod/own -R, rm -r, or etc.

> The credentials of the current task are not modified but replaced by
> new, temporary credentials. This will only have an affect on a single
> thread.

I see.
I think I can understand about multi threads. Other threads will not be
affected. I will test about a signal handler someday.

J. R. Okajima
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