Re: [git patches] libata updates, GPG signed (but see admin notes)

From: Linus Torvalds
Date: Wed Nov 02 2011 - 22:31:28 EST

On Wed, Nov 2, 2011 at 7:14 PM, Shawn Pearce <spearce@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> <rant>

I'm answering this separately, because it's a separate rant.

It's also totally bogus, but whatever.

> Get over it. Add the fucking empty commit to show the flow of a
> change. Stop forcing every fucking contributor to rebase/rewrite his
> commits just so someone higher up in the food chain can wank with
> their SOB line.

Shawn, stop using whatever drugs you are using.


If they do, they are doing things very very wrong.

Signed-off-by: is *purely* for sending patches by email. No git
operations involved. None. Nada. Zilch. No rebasing involved, because
there's not even a git repository involved, for chissake!

Once something is in git, it's not signed off on - there should be a
sign-off-chain from the author to the committer, and that's it.
Anything else would be crazy.

So stop the crazy rants. Stop with the bad drugs. Seriously. You're
acting crazy.

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