Re: BCM43224 hanging [3.2.0-rc4-00248-gb835c0f] (was: BCM43224:00:00:00:00:00:00 address (3.2.0-rc3-00099-g883381d))

From: Nico Schottelius
Date: Mon Dec 12 2011 - 14:38:30 EST


It seems AFTER one or more (not yet sure how many
are needed) successful suspend & resume
cycles brcmsmac actually works. Pretty interesting,
because usually wlan drivers stop working after supend...

Attached is the dmesg output of a currently working

Let me know whether we can debug this issue somehow
/ you need more information to do so.



PGP key: 7ED9 F7D3 6B10 81D7 0EC5 5C09 D7DC C8E4 3187 7DF0

Attachment: dmesg.xz
Description: Binary data