Re: [PATCH 05/16] sched: SCHED_DEADLINE policy implementation.

From: Juri Lelli
Date: Tue Apr 24 2012 - 03:21:27 EST

On 04/24/2012 12:13 AM, Tommaso Cucinotta wrote:
Il 23/04/2012 17:41, Juri Lelli ha scritto:
The user could call __setparam_dl on a throttled task through

in case it can be related: a scenario that used to break isolation
(in the old aquosa crap): 1) create a deadline task 2) (actively)
wait till it's just about to be throttled 3) remove reservation
(i.e., return the task to the normal system policy and destroy
reservation info in the kernel) 4) reserve it again

Yes, this is very similar to what I thought just after I've sent the
email (ouch! :-)).
Assuming the borderline condition of a nearly fully saturated system,
if 3)-4) manage to happen sufficiently close to each other and right
after 2), now the task budget is refilled with a deadline which is
where it should not be, according to the admission control rules. In
other words, we may break guarantees of other tasks by a properly
misbehaving task. Something relevant when considering misbehaviour
and admission control from a security perspective [1].

Thanks for the ref., I'll read it!

At that time, I was persuaded that the right way to avoid this would
be to avoid to free system cpu bw immediately when a reservation is
destroyed, but rather wait till its current abs deadline, then "free"
the bandwidth. A new task trying to re-create the reservation too
early, i.e., at step 4) above, would be rejected by the system as it
would still see a fully occupied cpu bw. Never implemented of course

A kind of "two steps" approach. It would work, I just have to think how
to implement it (and let the system survive ;-)). Then create some
bench to test it.

And also, from a security perspective, a misbehaving (sched_other)
task might thrash the system with useless nansosleeps forcing the OS
to continuously schedule/deschedule it. Equivalently, with a deadline
scheduler, you could try to set a very small period/deadline. That's
why in [1], among the configurable variables, there was a minimum
allowed reservation period.

Yes, this should be easily controlled at admission time.

Nothing really urgent, just something you might want to keep in mind
for the future, I thought.

Well, depends on how much effort will this turn to require. I personally
would prefer to be able to come out with a new release ASAP. Just to
continue the discussion with the most of the comments addressed and a
more updated code (I also have a mainline version of the patchset
quite ready).

Thanks a lot,

- Juri

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