High CPU usage of scheduler?

From: Dave Johansen
Date: Thu Apr 26 2012 - 18:08:50 EST

I am looking into moving an application from RHEL 5 to RHEL 6 and I
noticed an unexpected increase in CPU usage. A little digging has led
me to believe that the scheduler may be the culprit.

I created the attached test_select_work.c file to test this out. I
compiled it with the following command on RHEL 5:

cc test_select_work.c -O2 -DSLEEP_TYPE=0 -Wall -Wextra -lm -lpthread
-o test_select_work

I then played with the parameters until the execution time per
iteration was about 1 ms on a Dell Precision m6500.

I got the following result on RHEL 5:

./test_select_work 1000 10000 300 4
time_per_iteration: min: 911.5 us avg: 913.7 us max: 917.1 us stddev: 2.4 us
./test_select_work 1000 10000 300 8
time_per_iteration: min: 1802.6 us avg: 1803.9 us max: 1809.1 us
stddev: 2.1 us
./test_select_work 1000 10000 300 40
time_per_iteration: min: 7580.4 us avg: 8567.3 us max: 9022.0 us
stddev: 299.6 us

And the following on RHEL 6:

./test_select_work 1000 10000 300 4
time_per_iteration: min: 914.6 us avg: 975.7 us max: 1034.5 us
stddev: 50.0 us
./test_select_work 1000 10000 300 8
time_per_iteration: min: 1683.9 us avg: 1771.8 us max: 1810.8 us
stddev: 43.4 us
./test_select_work 1000 10000 300 40
time_per_iteration: min: 7997.1 us avg: 8709.1 us max: 9061.8 us
stddev: 310.0 us

On both versions, these results were about what I expected with the
average amount of time per iteration scaling relatively linearly. I
then recompiled with -DSLEEP_TYPE=1 and got the following results on

./test_select_work 1000 10000 300 4
time_per_iteration: min: 1803.3 us avg: 1902.8 us max: 2001.5 us
stddev: 113.8 us
./test_select_work 1000 10000 300 8
time_per_iteration: min: 1997.1 us avg: 2002.0 us max: 2010.8 us
stddev: 5.0 us
./test_select_work 1000 10000 300 40
time_per_iteration: min: 6958.4 us avg: 8397.9 us max: 9423.7 us
stddev: 619.7 us

And the following results on RHEL 6:

./test_select_work 1000 10000 300 4
time_per_iteration: min: 2107.1 us avg: 2143.1 us max: 2177.7 us
stddev: 30.3 us
./test_select_work 1000 10000 300 8
time_per_iteration: min: 2903.3 us avg: 2903.8 us max: 2904.3 us
stddev: 0.3 us
./test_select_work 1000 10000 300 40
time_per_iteration: min: 8877.7.1 us avg: 9016.3 us max: 9112.6 us
stddev: 62.9 us

On RHEL 5, the results were about what I expected (4 threads taking
twice as long because of the 1 ms sleep but the 8 threads taking the
same amount of time since each thread is now sleeping for about half
the time, and a still fairly linear increase with the 40 threads).

However, with RHEL 6, the time taken with 4 threads increased by about
15% more than the expected doubling and the 8 thread case increased by
about 45% more than the expected slight increase. The increase in the
4 thread case seems to be that RHEL 6 is actually sleeping for a
handful of microseconds more than 1 ms while RHEL 5 is only sleep
about 900 us, but this doesn't explain the unexpectedly large increase
in the 8 and 40 thread cases.

I saw similar types of behaviour with all 3 -DSLEEP_TYPE values. I
also tried playing with the scheduler parameters in sysctl, but
nothing seemed to have a significant impact on the results. Any ideas
on how I can further diagnose this issue?

#include <float.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <poll.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/select.h>
#include <sys/time.h>

// Uncomment to use select inside the loop of each of the threads
#define SLEEP_TYPE 1
// Uncomment to use poll inside the loop of each of the threads
//#define SLEEP_TYPE 2
// Uncomment to use usleep inside the loop of each of the threads
//#define SLEEP_TYPE 3

struct thread_info {
int sleep_time;
int num_iterations;
int work_size;

void *do_test(void *arg)
const struct thread_info *tinfo = (struct thread_info *)arg;

const int sleep_time = tinfo->sleep_time;
const int num_iterations = tinfo->num_iterations;
const int work_size = tinfo->work_size;

#if SLEEP_TYPE == 1
// Data for calling select
struct timeval ts;
#elif SLEEP_TYPE == 2
// Data for calling poll
struct pollfd pfd;
// Data for doing work
int *buf;
int pseed;
int inum, bnum;
// Data for tracking the time
struct timeval before, after;
long long *diff;

buf = calloc(work_size, sizeof(int));
diff = malloc(sizeof(unsigned long long));

#if SLEEP_TYPE == 2
// Initialize the poll data
pfd.fd = 0;
pfd.events = 0;

// Get the time before starting the processing
gettimeofday(&before, NULL);

// Do the requested number of iterations
for (inum=0; inum<num_iterations; ++inum) {
#if SLEEP_TYPE == 1
ts.tv_sec = 0;
ts.tv_usec = sleep_time;
select(0, 0, 0, 0, &ts);
#elif SLEEP_TYPE == 2
poll(&pfd, 1, sleep_time / 1000);
#elif SLEEP_TYPE == 3
// Get rid of warning about unused variable

// Fill in a buffer with random numbers (taken from latt.c by Jens Axboe <jens.axboe@xxxxxxxxxx>)
pseed = 1;
for (bnum=0; bnum<work_size; ++bnum) {
pseed = pseed * 1103515245 + 12345;
buf[bnum] = (pseed / 65536) % 32768;

// Get the time after starting the processing
gettimeofday(&after, NULL);

// Calculate the delta time
*diff = 1000000LL * (after.tv_sec - before.tv_sec);
*diff += after.tv_usec - before.tv_usec;

// Clean up the data

return diff;

int main(int argc, char **argv)
if (argc < 4) {
printf("Usage: %s <sleep_time> <num_iterations> <work_size> <num_threads>\n", argv[0]);
return -1;

struct thread_info tinfo;
int s, tnum, num_threads;
pthread_attr_t attr;
pthread_t *threads;
long long *res;
long long *times;

// Get the parameters
tinfo.sleep_time = atoi(argv[1]);
tinfo.num_iterations = atoi(argv[2]);
tinfo.work_size = atoi(argv[3]) * 1024;
num_threads = atoi(argv[4]);

// Initialize the thread creation attributes
s = pthread_attr_init(&attr);
if (s != 0) {
printf("Error initializing thread attributes\n");
return -2;

// Allocate the memory to track the threads
threads = calloc(num_threads, sizeof(pthread_t));
times = calloc(num_threads, sizeof(unsigned long long));
if (threads == NULL) {
printf("Error allocating memory to track threads\n");
return -3;

// Start all of the threads
for (tnum=0; tnum<num_threads; ++tnum) {
s = pthread_create(&threads[tnum], &attr, &do_test, &tinfo);

if (s != 0) {
printf("Error starting thread\n");
return -4;

// Clean up the thread creation attributes
s = pthread_attr_destroy(&attr);
if (s != 0) {
printf("Error cleaning up thread attributes\n");
return -5;

// Wait for all the threads to finish
for (tnum=0; tnum<num_threads; ++tnum) {
s = pthread_join(threads[tnum], (void **)(&res));

if (s != 0) {
printf("Error waiting for thread\n");
return -6;

// Save the time
times[tnum] = *res;

// And clean it up

// Calculate the min, max, and average times
float min_time = FLT_MAX;
float max_time = -FLT_MAX;
float avg_time = 0;
for (tnum=0; tnum<num_threads; ++tnum) {
if (times[tnum] < min_time)
min_time = times[tnum];
if (times[tnum] > max_time)
max_time = times[tnum];
avg_time += (times[tnum] - avg_time) / (float)(tnum + 1);
// Calculate the standard deviation of the time
float stddev_time = 0;
if (num_threads > 1) {
for (tnum=0; tnum<num_threads; ++tnum)
stddev_time += pow(times[tnum] - avg_time, 2);
stddev_time = sqrtf(stddev_time / (num_threads - 1));

// Print out the statistics of the times
printf("time_per_iteration: min: %.1f us avg: %.1f us max: %.1f us stddev: %.1f us\n",
min_time / tinfo.num_iterations,
avg_time / tinfo.num_iterations,
max_time / tinfo.num_iterations,
stddev_time / tinfo.num_iterations);

// Clean up the allocated threads

return 0;